
  • Natural Dyes

  • Synthetic Dyes

  • Mordants and Additives

  • Dye Seeds

  • Dye Kits

  • Dyeing Accessories

  • Dyeing Color Cards


Featured Products

  • Rosarios 4 Piopardo Yarn

    Rosarios 4 Piopardo Yarn Piopardo is a 100%
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  • Rosarios 4 Alfama Yarn

    Rosarios 4 Alfama Yarn Alfama is a 100% linen, DK
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  • Rosarios 4 Romaria Yarn

    Rosarios 4 Romaria Yarn Romaria is a 100% wool, s
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Working with fibers and dyes is a lot of fun. You can follow a lot of rules or you can experiment and see what the results turn out to be. Either way, you end up with something that is more personal that you will treasure.

The Woolery offers an extensive selection of yarn and fiber dyes. Shop our dyeing supplies today!

If you need help, check out our selection of books and DVDs on dyeing.

See this notice about the safe handling of dyes.

If you don't find exactly what you want, or would like a dye product recommendation, please call the shop directly at 800-441-9665 or contact us for assistance.