Inkle Looms
Inkle Looms for Weaving
Inkle looms are designed to weave several yards of narrow fabric for articles such as belts, sashes, ties, bookmarks, bracelets, hair bands, guitar straps, dog collars or even unique shoelaces.
Inkle weaving is ideal for beginners as the looms are easy to warp and weave. In addition, the basic mechanics of inkle weaving are easy to understand and readily master.
Inkle looms are typically easy to transport making them suitable for classes, retreats, guild gathering or simply taking your project on the road with you.
The term “inkle” is defined as a colored tape or braid woven on a narrow loom and dates back to the 16th century.
For more information on inkle weaving, checkout the Inkle Weaving Group on Facebook.
Useful Items for Inkle Weaving
- Yarn
- Omega Sinfonia
- Maysville Cotton Rug Warp
- Bluegrass Mills Hemp Yarn
- Omega Eulali Yarn
- Ashford Caterpillar Cotton Yarn
- Stick Shuttle (1-2)
- Weaving Cards
- Instructional Book ("Learn to Weave on the Inkle Loom") or DVD ("Inkle Weaving A to Z")
If you don't find exactly what you want, or would like a product recommendation, please call the shop directly at 800-441-9665 or contact us for assistance.