Louet David Floor Loom Sliding Beater Conversion Kit
$483.00 - $518.70Retrofit your Louet David Floor Loom wit -
Louet Spring Loom Warpbeam Handle Upgrade Kit
$289.80Upgrade the warp beam handle on your Louet Spring -
Louet S10C Mother of All - Scotch Tension
$217.98Mother of All for the Louet S10 Concept Spinning W -
Louet Bulky Irish Tension Flyer - Standard Hook
$103.95Irish tension fixed hook bulky flyer with a 13mm o -
Louët BV was founded in 1974 by Jan Louët Feisser and Clemens Claessen, and when the sales of the Spinning wheel S10 looked promising, Jan quit his job to start-up his company. The business growth was partly due to “right time, right place, and right product.” The Netherlands was where the hobby of spinning was very big at the time and the S10 spinning wheel was very user friendly.
Louët sells and makes spinning wheels and floor looms. They also make carders and any accessory needed for your next project.
The Woolery is a dealer for Louët so be sure to check out their products below for your next project!